Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Class of 2016: Emily Watkins

1. What has been your proudest achievement so far?
Achieving such high success both academically and athletically. Being Valedictorian of my senior class was an amazing accomplishment for me, along with being a four sport athlete throughout high school.

2. What do you expect to be doing ten years from now?
Hopefully, ten years from now I will have completed school and begun the next chapters of my life. I also hope that ten years from now I will be starting a family and have a career.

3. How do you define “success?”
Success to me, is finding passion in whatever you do. Whether that passion is a career, family, sport, or study; if you find passion in this, success will surely follow.

4. How would you describe yourself to someone who did not know you?
I would describe myself as easy to get along with and fun to be around. I am hard working, and I have worked hard to get to where I am today. I am athletic, smart, and I love to make other people laugh or smile.

5. If you could talk with any one living (or deceased) person, whom would it be and why?
My sister, Liz Watkins – she is my strength and my biggest role model in life.

6. What about you is unique?
I am a hunter. I have grown up hunting deer, turkey, beer, elk, ect.

7. What do you want to get out of your college experience?
I want college to be some of the best years of my life. I hope to have a good education, continue my academic and athletic success, make life-long friends, and have some unforgettable memories.

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