Monday, September 26, 2011

Integrated Studies

At Monmouth College we have course series called Integrated Studies. Students will take a course each school year:
Freshmen      Introduction to Liberal Arts
Sophomore   Global Perspective
Junior            Reflections
Senior           Citizenship

I wanted to mirror this thought in a series of MCWB blog articles. Each class would reflect on questions that pertain to their level of Integrated Studies learning.
Freshmen        Introduction to college life @ MC
Sophomore     Looking at others
Junior              Reflect on your journey
Senior             The Future

One of the first things asked of the ladies is something a member of the team has done for someone else. Marla Willard (Pittsfield HS) indicates “something that I truly respect that someone on our team has done for someone else is when Coach Vac, now Coach Flatt, collected our old shoes for a fundraiser. This simple act of bringing in shoes was something that truly affected many people’s lives and her allowing us to be involved with that made me grateful of people like Coach Flatt”. Taylor Rubarts (Paxon-Buckley-Loda HS) continues with “one thing our whole team did that I found respectable was sending flowers to Kierstyn when her father passed away. This shows how close our team is and how much we care about each other. Our team is a family and when one person is down we are always there to pick each other up, no matter what”. Jasmine Johnson (West Aurora HS) agrees, saying “the one thing that I respect about all of my teammates for is that I know without a doubt in my mind that I can call any of them at any time of the day for anything at all and they will never let me down”.

Setting goals are an important part of team sports. We can achieve a lot when everyone is on the same page and knows what we have in mind to accomplish. Marla feels our goals this season are “to win conference and also bring home the conference tournament trophy! We were so close last year and we believe this year it is our turn. We tied the record last year for most wins in a season and it would be a great feeling to break our own record”. Taylor continues “this year we want to win the conference tournament and make it to the NCAA tournament. Aside from basketball goals, we want to make our team a family. When our team is a family, there is already chemistry between all of us that we don’t have to create on the court”. Kaley Corban (Prairie Central HS) indicated the “final goal that applies to the college as a whole is to keep the All-Sports trophy in our possession”.

A sense of family is something we strive to feel within our basketball team. Every family has a jokester…who is ours? The ladies debate! Jasmine & Monet Mailey (Eisenhower HS) think it is “Chelsea Gross hands down. She is hilarious at all times possible. There are so many stories I can’t just choose one. I will definitely say that whenever you're in a horrible mood she is the first one to crack a joke or talk in an extremely horrible accent to turn your entire day around”. Monet continues “I remember last year I tried to teach her how to jerk and all of her dance moves are the funniest/corniest dances ever”. Taylor, Kaley & Marla feel Jasmine Johnson is the player that “is constantly making everyone on the team laugh. She is that person when you are down you go talk to her and she always has something funny to say to lighten your mood” Kaley states, “during our pre-game scrimmages, she is always motivating the post players to work harder by saying ‘yeahhhh’, ‘comeeee on’, ‘shoooooot that’, ‘give me what you got’ every time the opposing post has the ball”. Marla would know first-hand about Jasmine since they are roommates. She tells a funny story about “after we were told before we traveled that the trip was a business trip, Jasmine comes decked out and carrying two bags like briefcases, a serious look on her face. When coach asked her why the sudden change, she simply answered, ‘Coach, this is a business trip.’ She’s always one to crack a joke at someone else or her own expense”.

Something that many of the ladies do agree on is their favorite location on campus. Taylor shares, “my favorite place on campus is Huff Athletic Center. Anytime I am stressed about school or anything else in my life going to Huff gets rid of all the stress and gives me a break”. Marla agrees stating, “there is no place I’d rather be on this campus”. Good thing since you guys spends so much time here!!

The ladies were also asked about pre-game rituals. Some were serious like Kaley admiring Colleen Forrest’s ritual of “shooting probably twenty-five minutes prior to the time we are supposed to be dressed and ready for warm-up before games. The fact that she comes in early reflects how she does in the game. It is a great pre-game ritual to have”! Other rituals were a little more superstition based like Monet “wearing the same socks for every game and also I have to kiss my basketball chain before I take it off”.

Finally, the sophomores were asked who their role models were. WARNING: this section can be a tear jerker. It’s great to see the ladies have such positive influences in their lives!!

Marla: My role model is my Grandma Greta. She was the strongest, most selfless person that I have ever known. When something needed done, no matter what it was, she did it without one single word of complaint. She was giving and kind, yet tough and expected the most out of everyone at all times. She was forgiving and honest. She was the hardest work I’ve ever known and I strive to be at least a little like her every single day.

Taylor: My parents are my role-models. They are the reason I have had success in my life. I respect the way the raised my brothers and I and wouldn’t change it for the world. They have done so much to send me so I could go to college and play basketball.

Monet: My role model is my mom and my favorite NBA player Dwyane Wade. I admire them both because they are hard workers and had to work for everything they have. Also Dwyane Wade is from a town really close to mine. I admire him even more for giving back to the community and not forgetting where he came from. Plus I was given the opportunity to attend his camp for free.

Kaley: One of my role models from a basketball perspective would have to be Haley Jones. She has high expectations for our team this year and is constantly motivating the team in pre-season scrimmages. Haley is also never afraid to think out loud. She is considered our team captain for the year, but is always counting on team input before making decisions. Haley is the definition of a leader. She is a hard-worker, keeps her word, and never gives up. These are characteristics that can not only relate to basketball, but to life as well.
- From a life perspective, both of my parents are my role models. They are my support system. They are there to motivate me and encourage me to make smart choices. I can always look to them for guidance and they count of me to follow through with any hardship that may come my way.

Jasmine: My role model is without a doubt my grandmother. Through all the trials and tribulations she has always stayed strong and never let anyone see her sweat. She has never let me down and I can only pray that I become half the woman she is someday.

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