Thursday, May 12, 2011

Class of 2015


INTRODUCING: Paige Nord (Ridgeview High School)

1. What has been your proudest achievement so far?
My proudest achievement so far is placing 3rd in the state finals for basketball my sophomore and senior year.

2. What do you expect to be doing ten years from now?
In ten years I expect to be graduated from college and working as a Physical Therapist.

3. How do you define “success?”
I define success as doing the right things for the right reasons by living up to my commitments and working as a team to reach one common goal.

4. How would you describe yourself to someone who did not know you?
I would define myself as quiet until you get to know me and pretty laid back.

5. If you could talk with any one living (or deceased) person, whom would it be and why?
John Wooden because I want to learn his philisophy of the game of basketball. Also because he was an intelligent man not just on the court but off the court as well.

6. What about you is unique?
Prior to AAU Basketball I showed American Saddlebred horses.

7. What do you want to get out of your college experience?
I want to be able to meet to people and experience new things. I also want to be able to succedd in the classroom and on the court.

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