Thursday, May 26, 2011

In the Scotlight: Colleen Forrest

In the Scotlight: Colleen Forrest

1. Three adjectives your friends would use to describe you are:
Funny, caring, dedicated.

2. What is something you’ve become involved in or experienced at Monmouth College that you didn’t expect to?
The religious life on campus.

3. What is something most people don’t know about you?
I like to watch Swamp People and enjoy fishing.

4. Who is your favorite athlete (past or present)?
Michael Jordan

5. What song would you pick as your anthem?
I’ll Be by O S Xperience

6. What is the last book you read?
Trojan Odyssey by Clive Cussler

7. What is your favorite movie?
Into the Blue

8. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?
I would want to be able to fly, I think that would be pretty cool.

9. If you won $20 million in the lottery, what would you do with the money?
Finish paying for school, put some in savings, invest some, put an indoor basketball court in my house.

10. What’s it like to be a part of the Monmouth College women’s basketball program?
It’s like being part of a very large extended family. You know you have 15 other girls on campus that are always looking out for you. Also, there is always someone there for you if you need anything. We even have what we call, “family dinners” on Wednesday nights so we stay connected after season.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Class of 2015

INTRODUCING: Lauren Kellen (Mendota HS)

1. What has been your proudest achievement so far?
Thus far my farthest achievement would be being a part of the ihsa state record book. The season isn't over yet and I plan to move higher on the list but I think I have worked hardest for this achievement and it is something that I am extremely proud of!!!!

2. What do you expect to be doing ten years from now?
Ten years from now I plan to be working somewhere close to home at a local hospital with a family and still playing sports as much as I can.
3. How do you define “success?”
Success to me is feeling satisfied with yourself about something you put effort towards whether its yourself or a team.

4. How would you describe yourself to someone who did not know you?
I am athletic and confident and proud of it. I'm quiet at first but once I get to know you I am pretty loud. I love being my own person and always will be.

5. If you could talk with any one living (or deceased) person, whom would it be and why?
Steve Nash, he is my hero an I would love to learn how to pass like him! Or Brett favre, through everything that has happened to him and all the media problems he will always be a personal role model and I would love to just talk to him about his journey from high school to now.

6. What about you is unique?
I don't care what others think about me. I absolutely hate drama unlike every other teenager.

7. What do you want to get out of your college experience?
I would like to get the knowledge I need to advance to medical school while at the same time excelling in sports.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cookout @ Coach Bittner's House

The ladies gathered for a final cookout before the school year ended for the summer. They had several requests: fruit salad with lots of pineapple, salad with "good" ranch dressing, confetti cake-one with chocolate frosting-one with white, & root beer floats! It was fun to see everyone one more time before their big finals push!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Class of 2015


INTRODUCING: Paige Nord (Ridgeview High School)

1. What has been your proudest achievement so far?
My proudest achievement so far is placing 3rd in the state finals for basketball my sophomore and senior year.

2. What do you expect to be doing ten years from now?
In ten years I expect to be graduated from college and working as a Physical Therapist.

3. How do you define “success?”
I define success as doing the right things for the right reasons by living up to my commitments and working as a team to reach one common goal.

4. How would you describe yourself to someone who did not know you?
I would define myself as quiet until you get to know me and pretty laid back.

5. If you could talk with any one living (or deceased) person, whom would it be and why?
John Wooden because I want to learn his philisophy of the game of basketball. Also because he was an intelligent man not just on the court but off the court as well.

6. What about you is unique?
Prior to AAU Basketball I showed American Saddlebred horses.

7. What do you want to get out of your college experience?
I want to be able to meet to people and experience new things. I also want to be able to succedd in the classroom and on the court.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

In the Scotlight: Kaley Corban

In the Scotlight: Kaley Corban

1. Three adjectives your friends would use to describe you are:
Energetic, organized, optimistic

2. What is something you’ve become involved in or experienced at Monmouth College that you didn’t expect to?
I participated in the Monmouth’s Got Talent show in the fall. I sang Something More by Sugarland. It was such a blast that I decided to sing American Honey by Lady Antebellum in the Scotlight Talent show this past spring.

3. What is something most people don’t know about you?
When I’m at school, I eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

4. Who is your favorite athlete (past or present)?
My favorite athlete is Derrick Rose. I saw him play in high school in a holiday classic tournament near my hometown and I’ve seen how much he has improved in the NBA.

5. What song would you pick as your anthem?
Little Miss by Sugarland

6. What is the last book you read?
Promise Me by Harlan Coben

7. What is your favorite movie?
Rush Hour 2

8. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?
I would like to be able to read certain people’s minds in specific situations.

9. If you won $20 million in the lottery, what would you do with the money?
I would put a majority of it in my savings account. The other I would spend on vacation and shopping!

10. What’s it like to be a part of the Monmouth College women’s basketball program?
Being part of the women’s basketball program has benefitted me in so many ways. It has improved my social life here on campus and my team is like a second family to me. Our countless memories on and off the court made my freshman year so enjoyable. Our team has grown so close just after one year; I look forward to the following three years. I’ve learned a lot of life lessons through the basketball program as well. I now know what it takes to become a leader and I’ve learned that one must be able to bounce back from mistakes because they are going to happen. The basketball programs takes up a majority of my time when in season, but there is no doubt that I would have enjoyed college as much as I do if I wasn’t part of the basketball program.

Monday, May 2, 2011

In the Scotlight: Haley Jones

In the Scotlight: Haley Jones

1. Three adjectives your friends would use to describe you are:
Motherly, easy-going, fun

2. What is something you’ve become involved in or experienced at Monmouth College that you didn’t expect to?

3. What is something most people don’t know about you?
I read a lot, especially James Patterson books.

4. Who is your favorite athlete (past or present)?
Derrick Rose

5. What song would you pick as your anthem?
Black and Yellow

6. What is the last book you read?
Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections on and Off the Court by John Wooden

7. What is your favorite movie?
Love & Basketball and Gladiator

8. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?
To fly.

9. If you won $20 million in the lottery, what would you do with the money?
Pay off college loans, build my dream house, donate some to charity, repay my parents, and of course save some of it.

10. What’s it like to be a part of the Monmouth College women’s basketball program?
It’s like a second family. It’s great to be a part of because you know that 15 other girls are going to be there for you no matter what.