Friday, September 21, 2012

Where are they now? Mallory (Mulvihill) Green

1. Give us some updates! Where are you living, any recent life accomplishments?
I live in Wauconda, IL right on the lake and it's amazing. I just got married to my high school sweetheart (as lame as that sounds) in July, finished my Masters from Roosevelt University in Integrated Marketing and Communications, started a new job and I can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings me.

2. How has a Monmouth College degree helped your career pursuits?
I think right out of college, I was a little lost. I wasn't really sure what I wanted to, and I honestly wished I had done a lot of things differently while in college. I think I was too busy enjoying my youth!! But, I really, really loved all my English classes and by writing for the college newspaper, I kind of realized that I enjoyed to creatively write. Those English classes were tough and the professors expected perfection, and I think that mindset (even though I may have found it obnoxious at the time) helped me throughout grad school and in my current job.

3. Favorite on or off the court basketball memory?
Tough to say. On the court, I think I'd have to go with hitting a 3-pointer as a freshman to put us up against Knox. It was right at the end of the game so the gym was PACKED. The experience of that Knox rivalry as a freshman was awesome and to hit what ended up being a game winner, was amazing. Ms. Lisa Curry set the screen to free me up. Off the court, living with Laura Hurckes (Jahn), Cassie Jensen and of course, Becky Wakeland (Dixon). Some of the best times of my life. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard.

4. What do you miss most about playing basketball at Monmouth College?
I miss the competitiveness of it all. I struggled a little bit with myself during college, but the one thing I always brought every day to practice was my competitiveness. Even now, I hate to lose. I miss just playing for fun because I loved the game. Oh and defense, I miss playing defense. I loved when the girl I was defending would cuss at me. Best feeling ever.

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