Wednesday, September 19, 2012

According to Jasmine Johnson...

If our coaching staff were replaced by your parents…who would be the best to fill the following roles & why J

Please answer the following questions with a team member’s parent & why you think they are best suited for this role:

1.       Tie ball game & we need a great set to win the game. Who should draw up the play?
Jasmine-Mr. Corban because he is THE MAN! I think he would know exactly what we needed to do.

2.       There is a conflict amongst the team, who should step in and be the mediator to resolve the issue?
Jasmine- Kim’s Dad because he’s a basketball coach with that stern basketball coaches voice so I think he could shut us all up real quick.

3.       You ladies can get huuuungry! Who would put together the best pre-game spread?
Jasmine- Colleen and Kathleen’s parents always have something spectacular for us to eat whether it’s a four course meal or cookies and cake after the game.

4.       Bonding time! Who would put together a fun activity & what would it be?
Jasmine- Momma Tiffsquirrel! She is very funny so I think she could come up with something great for all of us to do!

5.       It’s preseason & we’ve got to get you ladies in shape! Who would be the best strength & condition coach & why?
Jasmine- Marla’s mom because she works at the jail so I know she would whip us right into shape and she wouldn’t take any mess from anyone!

6.       Who would be the best academic tutor to help us keep our grades up?
Jasmine-Kaley’s mom is a teacher so I’m sure she could help with all of our classes. I should probably ask her about this accounting spreadsheet due Monday…


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