Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Where are they now? Lisa (Curry) Cooley

1. Give us some updates! Where are you living, any recent life accomplishments?
I am currently living in Libertyville, IL with my husband and two dogs. I recently changed roles from executive account manager to purchasing agent. I am also celebrating my 6th year at CDW.

2. How has a Monmouth College degree helped your career pursuits?
It's allowed me to stand out from my peers because of the diversity of classes that I took while in school. Not all colleges encourage their students to branch out and discover other interests.

3. Favorite on or off the court basketball memory?
There are so many memories, it's hard to narrow it down without exposing someone! I will say one of my favorites was playing hide and seek in Fulton and sliding down the staircase on mattresses over Christmas break .

4. What do you miss most about playing basketball at Monmouth College?
I miss listening to the national anthem after warmups right before the start of the game, knowing it was time to get to work and go after the WIN!

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