Thursday, May 17, 2012

Kyli Anderson

1. What has been your proudest achievement so far?
Continuing my education past high school and Sauk Valley Community College.

2. What do you expect to be doing ten years from now?
School will be completed and I will be working in psychology – behavioral thereapy/counseling. I hope to have started a family and continuing my journey of life.

3. How do you define “success?”
Overcoming obstacles to maintain a goal or goals that satisfy your complete happiness.

4. How would you describe yourself to someone who did not know you?
An all-around person, athletic, easily entertained, great sense of humor, easy to get along with, and strong-willed.

5. If you could talk with any one living (or deceased) person, whom would it be and why?
Michael Jordan – Greatest basketball player of all time.
Shania Twain – Biggest childhood fan.

6. What about you is unique?
I laugh at my own jokes.

7. What do you want to get out of your college experience?
I want to be prepared for my future, make great new life-long friends, and have an awesome time.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Class of 2016: Kristi Ragan

Kristi Ragan (Lander Valley High School WY)

1. What has been your proudest achievement so far?
My proudest achievement so far is being only the 2nd girl in the history of Lander Valley High School to be selected 1st team All-State in Volleyball, Basketball, and Track.

2. What do you expect to be doing ten years from now?
10 years from now I expect to be teaching PE and coaching at the high school level.

3. How do you define “success?”
I define success as putting everything on the line and not holding anything back. I also believe happiness=success.

4. How would you describe yourself to someone who did not know you?
I would describe myself as enthusiastic, hard-working, funny, and competitive.

5. If you could talk with anyone living (or deceased) person, whom would it be and why?
I would talk to Michael Jordan because he is the most intense, focused, and competitive person I can think of. I would like to learn some of his secrets!

6. What about you is unique?
Something unique about me is that I am a twin; I am the youngest…by 4 minutes. Another unique thing is that it is possible that I will be the only Monmouth student from the state of Wyoming next year.

7. What do you want to get out of your college experience?
I want to get the most out of my college experience as possible, from the education I receive to being a part of the MC Women’s Basketball team. I want to enjoy college and have a great time :).

Friday, May 4, 2012

Class of 2016: Emily Siefken

Emily Siefken (West Burlington High School IA)

1. What has been your proudest achievement so far?
My proudest achievement would have to be breaking the school rebound record by 110 rebounds, especially at my height, winning the school’s first conference championship in 30 years and playing in a state softball championship game.

2. What do you expect to be doing ten years from now?
In 10 years, I’m hoping to be teaching elementary P.E. and coaching basketball at a smaller school in Iowa or Illinois and hopefully be married.

3. How do you define “success?”
I would have to define success as someone who works hard and is dedicated to achieving their own goals. If you are happy with your life and what you are doing with it, then you will be successful.

4. How would you describe yourself to someone who did not know you?
I would describe myself as someone who is very dedicated and someone who works hard to get what I want. I would say I’m sort of quiet at the beginning, but I will open up and be outgoing once I get to know people. I like learning new things and I like to help people whenever possible.

5. If you could talk with any one living (or deceased) person, whom would it be and why?
If I could talk to any one person it would have to be Kim Mulkey, head women’s basketball coach at Baylor. She seems very passionate about what she does and is very successful.

6. What about you is unique?
I’m ambidextrous (both handedness) and I will usually always have smile on my face. It runs in the family

7. What do you want to get out of your college experience?
In college, I not only want to be successful on the court, but also in the classroom. I want to get a good education that will help me in the future and develop into a more well-rounded person and basketball player. I also want to partake in many campus activities and meet many new people! I’m very excited to be joining Monmouth College this fall!