Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Senior Night 2012: Haley Jones

When did you first begin playing organized basketball? Any specific memories?
I first started playing organized basketball in the 3rd grade. I have plenty of memories of playing in tournaments in Canton and at the Hawthorne Center in Galesburg. Also, the basketball seemed a lot bigger in the 3rd grade. :-)

All-time favorite teacher? Class?
That’s a tough one. I have had so many good professors here at Monmouth, but I’d have to say my favorite teacher was from high school. Mrs. West was my English Honors teacher and Speech teacher. She expected great work, she really got me ready for college and what I should expect, and her classes were fun to be in.

What are your plans for next year? Career goals?
Next year I hope to either be attending graduate school at WIU or ISU studying Sport Management. Ultimately, I want to work at a college in the athletic department and become an athletic director.

Favorite memory from this season?
My favorite memory from this season so far would have to be our California trip over winter break. It was a great experience and I had the opportunity to spend it with my teammates. Also, all of our Bridesmaids quotes! There’s not a single day that we don’t quote from the movie Bridesmaids.

What do you hope teammates will say about you?
I hope they say I was a good teammate and I worked hard.

Anything you want to say to your teammates? Advice?
There will be days where you won’t want to practice or lift or run. Some days will be extremely tough and you’ll think about what else you could be doing with your time. Don’t let those days take over your season. Soon, it will all be over and you’ll do anything to get back on the court. Play every game and practice like it’s your last because soon it will be and you’ll want it back. Never lose your love for the game. This is who we are, and I’m grateful I got to spend my last season with you girls. I’ll never forget it. Thank you.

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