Monday, October 3, 2011

MCWB Seniors Detail Thier Experience!!

1. The best thing about being a Fighting Scot is…
Kerry Kost: The best thing about being a Fighting Scot is school sprit that is on the campus. On a day of a game you have countless people tell you good luck and show their support for your sport. Teachers and students alike all get very involved with the sports.
Haley Jones: The tradition of what it means to be a Fighting Scot. The expectations for us- it makes me want to work hard and to not let anyone down. Of course, the bagpipes as well .

2. What philanthropy/volunteer work do you do?
Kerry: I lead a faith-based service group where we focus on going into our local community and doing service work. With that group we are involved with projects like Kids Against Hunger and Operation Backpack where we help fill bags for students who do not have sufficient meals over the weekend.
Haley: I am currently volunteering my time at the 1st Street Armory. I am helping put together a monthly bilingual newsletter for the community.

3. In 10 years you see yourself doing…
Kerry: In 10 years I would like to be running my own micro-financing company that gives loans to entrepreneurs in poverty throughout the world.
Haley: In 10 years I would like to see myself working in a university’s athletic office, holding an administrative position, hopefully. I would like to be married and started a family as well.

4. How has basketball helped shaped you as a person?
Kerry: Basketball has given me the opportunity to grow as a leader. It has shaped how I lead off the court as much as on the court. I would not be the leader I am today without seeing other people on our program lead by example. It has also taught me the importance of a team and how the team is more of a family that you always can depend on.
Haley: I have been around basketball all my life. It has made me a hard-working individual who is committed in everything that I do. Teamwork is essential off the court and basketball has helped that immensely in my studies and other settings.

5. What will you miss most about Monmouth College?
Kerry: I will miss my friends the most. Because it is a small campus you get to know people very well and make a lot of good bonds.
Haley: I will miss all of the people- my professors, my peers, and the coaches- they have all made my experience at Monmouth unforgettable. Everyone made it feel like home.

6. What will you miss most about MCWB?
Kerry: I will miss the team the most. My teammates are more than people I play with; they are my sisters and my best friends. There is nothing like working hard with such a great group of girls. The sense of team that we have is something that I will not find anywhere else.
Haley: The girls, the practices, the games, the road trips... almost everything. We’re a family, and no one likes leaving their family, but I know I’ll be back to visit the girls and watch them succeed in the future.

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