Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Big Red Interview: Chelsea Gross


Big Red: What is your major/year are you at Monmouth College?
Chelsea Gross: Physical Education- Non-teaching. I am a senior at Monmouth College

Big Red: What is your summer internship?
Chelsea Gross: I worked for the Peoria Chiefs Minor League Baseball Team

Big Red: How did you learn about this internship?
Chelsea Gross: I knew about other classmates who did their internships for other minor league teams, and I remember going to the Peoria Chiefs games when I was younger and really liked the environment and Peoria so I thought I would give it a shot.

Big Red: Why did you take this internship?
Chelsea Gross: I thought it was a great opportunity and my trainer Bob Foster said it would be very beneficial to me and thought it would be a great experience. I knew this would be a great start to get familiar with what my future occupation may entail.

Big Red: Your primary job duties/responsibilities are?
Chelsea Gross: My job is to mainly promote the Chiefs throughout the Peoria and surrounding communities throughout the week. I also am very involved with the crowd during the games, such as doing baseball chants to get the crowd excited, throwing T-shirts, and doing on-field games during the innings to keep the crowd entertained. Each game has different events that happen at the ballpark and it is one of my responsibilities to make sure everything is set up right and then is executed as planned. It is very busy most of the time because there are so many events that take place during each game that need to be ran smoothly while keeping the crowd happy and entertained.

Big Red: What is the best part of your internship?
Chelsea Gross: Everything. This internship had no negative aspects. I would have to say our “team” had a lot of fun during the games while entertaining the crowd and cheering on our team.

Big Red: What is the most challenging part of your internship?
Chelsea Gross: Definitely getting everything set up on time and having everyone on the same page. We have so many exciting things that happen almost every inning and there are about five to six of us on field who need to all communicate and execute together in order to make sure things run right. I do not think that everyone knows how much we do behind the scenes to make sure the crowd is happy and also representing the Chiefs positively.

Big Red: What is one thing your team/teammates/coaches at Monmouth College taught you that helped you with your internship?
Chelsea Gross: Teamwork, hard work, and respect. You are constantly working with many different people with different opinions on different levels. I work with the owner of the Peoria Chiefs, my boss, and many co-workers who are all working together to keep the Chiefs honorable reputation. Being a part of a team has also taught me how to be a hard worker and to give 100%. It takes a lot of hard work to be involved with a minor league Class A baseball team, affiliated with the Chicago Cubs. We are trying to promote a positive background for the Chiefs to continue our connection with the Chicago Cubs. There are many games in a row each week that I am constantly working endless hours with a large amount of people while also having to report back to my boss and then the owner is not always the easiest task to do. By being a member of the Monmouth College basketball team I have learned how to respect others. I have a head coach, and many assistant coaches as well as my teammates and opposing members. Being respectful is something you are taught when you are a member of the Monmouth College Women’s basketball team no matter how tough it gets. We are a team and how we act comes back on the coaches, our team, and our college. It is the same with a job, I am on a team and I have to show respect towards my co-workers, my boss, and the Chiefs in order to work in a constructive environment which makes it easier to get work done and to keep a positive reputation for the community.

Big Red: What's one thing you've learned that you are taking back to your team/teammates/coaches at Monmouth College?
Chelsea Gross: To be a good and constructive leader. I am a senior now and after working for the Chiefs this summer I have developed better leadership skills that I plan to carry out through my last season as a member of the Monmouth College Women’s Basketball team.

Big Red: How is this internship going to prepare you for your future?
Chelsea Gross: It will help me get a taste of what my future occupation is going to entail. What skills I need to work on and others that I need to keep working hard at. It has also helped to show me what I really am interested in doing and other things that are not down my path. This internship has been a very important learning experience for me that I will use down the road to help me develop into a successful individual in the work force.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What Are MCWB Players Doing This Summer?

Kyli Anderson: My summer has been filled with hanging out with my friends (who will be heading off to college soon), getting ready for my own journey to college (Monmouth), and working for my uncle. He owns Woodley Aerial Spray. I help out in the office getting the maps of the fields that need crop dusted to the pilots. It hasn't been a very busy season this year! Can't wait for school to start and the basketball season!

Summer Fun: Tiffany Churchill in Nashville, Tennessee

Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer Internship: Chelsea Gross

Chelsea Gross is currently doing a summer intership for the Peoria Cheifs!
Photo #1: the corn (comes out everytime we score a run!)
Photo #2: Superhero Day!

To learn more about Peoria Chiefs Baseball visit: http://www.milb.com/team4/page.jsp?ymd=20081120&content_id=481997&vkey=team4_t443&fext=.jsp&sid=t443

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Where are they now? Tanesha Hughes

1. Give us some updates! Where are you living, any recent life accomplishments?
I live in the St. Louis, Missouri area with my 1 year old son Khyeer :). Since I've left Monmouth I completed my Master's in Information Systems degree from University of Phoenix. I just started my own business, Tanesha's Creations, where I make creative and unique items for special events and also help plan parties, receptions, etc. My website is www.taneshascreations.com and I'm also on Facebook. www.facebook.com/taneshascreations (Go like my business page). This is in addition to my full-time job as a software specialist.

2. How has a Monmouth College degree helped your career pursuits?
At Monmouth I was able to participate in different groups, activities and sports all year long and still focus on my studies as a computer science major. When I went in for my interview my interviewer, now supervisor, explained to me how the multiple activites along with the GPA and degree, has put me at the top of the list because it shows I'm able to be a team member and work with others, among other things. Along the journey to get my degree we covered many different topics and different aspects of computer science, so when it came to the real world job I knew some of everything.

3. Favorite on or off the court basketball memory?
It's IMPOSSIBLE to only name one memory. There's Los Angeles, Barbados, Bingo nights, Coach Martin and his trivia, the skit Lynsey, Mitt and I made, Sports formal...the list goes on. I miss all the girls and still remain best friends with some of them.

4. What do you miss most about playing basketball at Monmouth College?
Honestly, I miss just being able to put on my jersey and play. Monmouth College and all of the extra that came along with it, those were the best years of my life. :')

What have MCWB players been doing this summer?

Alyssa Riley: my sister and I parasailing in Destin, FL this summer!

Where are they now? Lisa (Curry) Cooley

1. Give us some updates! Where are you living, any recent life accomplishments?
I am currently living in Libertyville, IL with my husband and two dogs. I recently changed roles from executive account manager to purchasing agent. I am also celebrating my 6th year at CDW.

2. How has a Monmouth College degree helped your career pursuits?
It's allowed me to stand out from my peers because of the diversity of classes that I took while in school. Not all colleges encourage their students to branch out and discover other interests.

3. Favorite on or off the court basketball memory?
There are so many memories, it's hard to narrow it down without exposing someone! I will say one of my favorites was playing hide and seek in Fulton and sliding down the staircase on mattresses over Christmas break .

4. What do you miss most about playing basketball at Monmouth College?
I miss listening to the national anthem after warmups right before the start of the game, knowing it was time to get to work and go after the WIN!