Wednesday, March 28, 2012

5 Questions for: Kim Coleman

1. What were your most memorable on-court & off-court experiences this season?
a. Off- Court most memorable moments would probably just have to be all the cool moments we’ve been able to have together as a team, from going to California and learning new things about one another, and just hanging in the dorms playing different games and having life chats. This team creates memories everyday so it’s hard to say what is the most memorable.
b. On-Court memory would have to be just being able to play with a group of people who share the same goal and want the best for the overall team and not just themselves.

2. What is the team doing now for off-season training?
a. We’ve started lifting, fitness, and open gym workouts which I think have been off to a good start. We haven’t stopped working hard, I think we all understand that championships are won in the off-season and we want to go further in the NCAA tournament next year. We are getting stronger, quicker and more experienced with the hard work we have begun to put in this off-season. Coach Woodard does a great job of helping us understand what exercises will help benefit what muscle parts and he has been a huge help with the success of this program already.

3. Any fun plans for the summer?
a. This summer I will probably be working a summer camp and playing in a summer league, and maybe a few weeks in Florida, nothing too fancy. I just plan to stay in shape and find ways to better my game and ways that I can help contribute to this program.

4. Which of your teammates is most likely to _________ & why
• Best cook?
o I think if I had to guess, the cook of the team would be Kaley Corban because she’s so family-orientated and is always bringing meals back from home, and if her mom can cook I’d like to think she has passed some skills down to Kaley.
• Sky dive?
o I think Lauren Kellen would be the sky diver, she’s very adventures and loves to try new things and is just in to crazy things like sky diving. In California she got the opportunity to surf and she enjoyed that. She’s the only kid I see crazy enough to even think about Sky diving.
• Stand-up comedian?
o We have a lot of comedians on the team, Kathleen Forest is pretty funny, Jessica Howard has a mind of her own, Paige Nord is funny in her own way also. But hands down if I had to pay to see a show it’d have to be Jasmine Johnson, she is one of the funniest people I’ve ever met in my life and it’s just really interesting to listen to some of the stories she tells are unforgettable.
• Write a book?
o I could see Marla Willard writing a book, she’s a very smart kid and she’s humble and sometimes too quiet and other times she won’t be quiet. I think she would be the best seller and would have a great story to tell.

5. About you:
• What song do you get stuck in your head the most often?
o I’m almost always bumping any Andy Grammer song he’s just so great to me, or I’m probably blasting some oldies or head nodding to Drake.
• What's your favorite funny story about yourself?
o Funny story about myself would have to be when I was in a close game once in high school, in overtime, packed house, the other team was taking the ball out and my teammate pants me in front of everyone and we lost the game. I was so embarrassed I didn’t even care that we lost.
• Name one thing about yourself that most people don't know.
o One thing that most people don’t know about me is I write in a diary that no one knows about and has never seen. Another thing people may not know is I broke my toe playing hide & go seek once.
• What was your favorite toy (or game) as a child, and why?
o Favorite toy as a kid was probably sing a long Barney, he has always been my favorite because he’s always happy, he sings and he goes on adventures, that’s the good life.

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