Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Q&A with 2012-13 Speaking Captains: Kaley Corban

One Thing People Don't Know About Me: I have to sleep with socks on

If I Could Trade Places With Someone For A Day, It Would Be: Sandra Bullock because she is one of my favorite actresses!

Most Famous Person I've Met: I haven’t met anyone famous. However, I’ve been to numerous concerts in which famous country artists perform

Best Place To Study: The Library...unfortunately

Game-day Superstition: I roll my socks over to cover my Nike logos, but everyone despises the way I do it because it looks “dorky,” but I do it anyway

Youngest Childhood Memory: I ran into a mailbox on my bike because I tried riding down the street with my eyes closed…fail!

Living Person You Admire Most: I admire both my parents and my two older sisters the most

The Team I Would Add To Our Schedule: Illinois Wesleyan

Best-Tasting Food I Can Make: ha…hamburger helper

Worst Habit: I chew on my towel when I get out of the shower

If You Were A Candy, What One Would You Be And Why?: I would be skittles because they are colorful and it makes me think of happiness.

Two Words To Describe Yourself On The Court: quick, competitive

Two Words To Describe Yourself Off The Court: outgoing, organized

In 10 Years , I Will Be: I hope to be married and working for a large corporation

What I Love Most About Monmouth College? The overall campus environment: everyone says hi in passing, the professors are great, my teammates are considered my family, and I’m known as a person as opposed to an ID number

My Advice To Incoming Freshman Would Be: manage basketball with homework and you’ll be golden, try hard in everything you do, and just HAVE FUN. It’s what college is all about.

What Is One Thing You Want To Happen Before You Leave Monmouth College? I want to have an internship experience that will land me a great job opportunity

How Do You Want People At Monmouth College To Remember You? I hope people remember be as a hard-working student, a talented basketball player, and one of the most outgoing people on campus